"Globalisation of My Privatization"
art: women's issues, geo-sexual politics,
human relations, communication,
global economics, globally speaking: peace
What I need, and a dream about a children's book in memory of Theo the Wonder Cat click here
Letters published in the Financial Times, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Crains Business News, the NY Post, NY Daily News, Metro, AM New York, The Village Voice, The Villager, The New York Sun, The Jerusalem Post and Newsday
Check out my blog!
December 2006 ARTFORUM
Standing on Rivington Street, holding Pucci house collage.
Sty Town, Bye Town, affordable housing an oxymoron,
Village, East and West, The Bowery, Lower East Side -- we asked for
preservation and protection but an economic tsunami wave of over the top development came thru, supersized, mega retail, mega dormed us to death.
Our historic neighborhood looks like a bad, bad xerox of midtown,
mirrored buildings reflect a history that is no longer there and a community no
longer welcomed! If you love the East Village, Bowery and the Lower East Side call 311, tell the Mayor or you will have to visit a recreation in a museum of Las Vegas...
Activist's Underpants 2006
Supersize Love Passion & Peace, not our historic neighborhoods!
"Dream/Goal: City wide-wise unite our collective outrage...
"Stop the over the top development -- displacement protest!"
Date: The date is being pushed back
to be a part of the protest email sodync@yahoo.com
Where: City Hall
(right now this is a dream I hope we can make a reality!)
Letter in The New York Sun Nov. 24
"City Set To Present Plan for Lower East Side'
Renaissance? I thought I was living in the East Village, not a bad Xerox of midtown [New York, "City Set To Present Plan for Lower East Side," November 1, 2006]. We have been mega dormed to death mostly by New York University but also by New York Law School, The New School for Social Research, and Cooper Union. Yet another NYU mega dorm and the tallest building ever in the East Village will be built and Saint Ann's Church from 1847 fell to NYU's greed and need to build yet another NYU mega dorm. Amanda Burden supports this dorm being the tallest building yet in the East Village. So far Amanda Burden has ignored our community pleas for zoning protection.
City Planning's incentives to developers in the name of affordable housing is a Trojan horse for developers to further supersize our historic area. The mayor and City Planning seem to care only for housing for NYU students and developers with luxury condos and mirrored hotels that reflect a history that is being destroyed. A community is no longer welcome. We have asked for preservation and protection of our long term community members, and if more isn't done to protect us you will have to visit a re-creation of the East Village, Bowery, and Lower East Side in Las Vegas or in a museum.
Please send checks for 47 East 3rd St. tenants who are fighting eviction and although they won the first round they need finanical support for their legal bills. I will be donating a piece of art -- visit their site for info and help!
Sty Town, Bye Town - Read my poem

series click here |
****Letter published in the New York Times Arts Section Published: September 5, 2004, Sunday
Mae West for President!
here |
"We come in one size -- beautiful!" Suzannah B. Troy
****Letter published in the Village Voice***
"Bone to Pick"
Published: March 29, 2005
click here
***Letter published in The Wall Street Journal***
"Betrayal at Ground Zero"
April 27, 2005
click here
Read the story "Kisses from the Edge(WTC)"
(I thought of Joseph Heller's Catch-22 when I wrote it), see the art, poetry, and more at www.suzannahbtroy.com.

black strapless bra with bullet casings 2004, safe series |

Karma Custom Cycles, It is the Journey, Artforum Dec 2005
Artforum April 2004

Angel On Her MC Riding Out of Apocalypse w/Bad Boy, 6ft x 4ft, 2004
chopping the
street -- see bottom of page |
Love Boxes, 2003 (click a box from above) |

Filthy Animal Undies, Mixed
Media, Mixed Messages, Labels, 2003
This piece is a comment on fashion, advertising,
and consumerism. Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klien, and Victoria Secrets
are selling a fantasy/lifestyle.
Artist & Techno-Art Featured 2-5-98 on the Fox News channel Photo
CD-Rom registered with Irving Sandler Artists virtual at Artists Space,
"I'm Married to My Technology", and
"Safe Haven", are part of the Special
Collections, University Libraries, Rutgers University
Libraries. Archived with the National Museum of Women in the Arts,
Washington DC.
Click Here for Color Xerox Handmade "Skirtbook" for sale at Bluestockings Bookstore - 172 Allen Street.
Yad Vashem Archive #3859675, a Xerox of "I fear People don't want to love me, they want to collect me" commemorating the Holocaust, Jerusalem, Israel
Stern Magazine photo and a piece by Michael Streck on Manhattan, "O Suzannah" volunteerism as art obsession,
page 62, page 64-65, Oct 18, 2001 Germany.
*Streck is very smart. He did put some words in my mouth which upset me. I thought his piece was an "off the wall" snapshot in a landscape of intense shock and grief but I was greatly impressed with his understanding of intensity, passion and the "art brain".
11/26/01 Art for America--Twin Tower Funds, A Homage to our Firefighters, Our
Nation's Beacons of Resilience, Angels, on Earth and in Heaven
NY Historical Society, Feb - July 2004 Radical Hospitality, 9-11 jacket with patches & pins honoring NYPD, FDNY and more...
Tompkin Square Park, part of the poem "The Going" in a hexagon tile at the base of the Fountain of Temperance
****Letter published in the New York Times -
Published: August 21, 2004, Saturday
"On Sept. 11, 2001, our darkest day, they ran, many to their deaths, to protect and serve."
Police and Fire Pay Raises
here |
published in the New York Daily News November 24, 2002, April 9, 2002
It's a matter of life and death, pre- and post- Sept. 11.
save our firehouses! click
here |
published in the New York Times March 28, 2004 LARS VON
TRIER; Dane, Go Home
click here |
published in the New York Post March 30, 2004, May 26, 2003 Frontline Firehouses Monuments to Courage |
The New York Post Nov 22, 2003 The FDNY suffered its largest
loss in history. The fact that these firemen and NYPD, PAPD,
EMS - and all first-responders - died on 9/11 making the
ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty cannot be made invisible
on the memorial. |
"...The terrorists'
objectives were mass murder and destruction, including the
destruction of our economy, but shutting down firehouses
and threatening layoffs is tantamount to saying we can't
afford to fly the troops back from Iraq...." |
****Why the
Fire Marshal must stay in the Bronx, City Section, The New
York Times click
here |
****The New York Times, The Science Section, June 8 Death with Dignity, Choosing to Die
here |
published in the Financial Times June 3, 2000 re: FT's
courage to show an image that strongly
"celebrated" women (Lucien Freud's Naked Portrait
& William Packer's beautiful description) related to
SBT's issues as a woman painter as well as women's issues
from basic human rights to economic power. |
****letter, Feb. 4, 2004 The New York Daily News
The death of the crew of the Columbia marks another tragedy of undefinable loss. Also, there is a sadness because Col. Ilan Ramon, a son of an Auschwitz survivor, carried an art work, "Moon Landscape" drawn by a boy named Peter Ginz. Peter's imagination took to the moon, although he would never journey out of adolescence, but to a horrific death in the Holocaust. |
published in The New York Times June 22, 2001 in support of
Yad Vashem and Bruno Schulz's
Art: The Battle Over the Murals of Pain |

Bruno Schulz July 12, 1892, SBT July 15, 1962
what connects us: The New York Times,
Yad Vashem, Poland-Galicia
(click here
to read article)

Knowledge is Power

I have a large body of
diverse artwork that is timely,
passionate, deeply psychological... art with
heart. Art making is a ritualistic and cathartic experience for me. All my
art is my skin and a part of my soul. I never felt like I had skin. I want
to touch your soul; make you think and feel. I make my art provocative
"spiritual vitamins". The present political scandals, MTV, and global
of the "media fastfood" makes being a provocateur more
challenging than modern art history itself.
Art books "latex your mind" rubber stamps and all images available on T-shirts.
Click here for an archive of past
here for more art
Please Click on Each Image to Access a
Larger View of the Artwork
 Techno-Men of Mine |
To the far right is "Adam
Techno-Head." He warns us not to lose our head to technology and never forget
our connection with nature and our souls. He has text on his body discussing
the global marketplace, technological superhighways, satellites, etc. "I
am not a techno-luddite." The black mannequin
"Communicating on a cellular level" (middle) has 2 cellular phones and talks
about a deep desire to connect on a cellular level; then asks "With Whom?" The
text talks about avoiding sexual pyrrhic victories, how some words defy the
prefix "techno," like God, love, honor, respect. The golden
man is "I am Listening." He is covered with walkman
and tape all over his body.
Even the poorest people in our country can wear a piece of technology to
comfort or isolate themselves. Women complain-men do not listen.
"I'm Married to My Technology, " mannequin
with 2 left hands, bicycle, floppy disks, computer tape, recycled walkman
turned into a techno-chastity belt to protect her from making unwise sexual
choices and people with unloving agendas, Two wedding
bands made out of CPU
parts and a telephone line symbolizing the information highways that connect
us, cellular phone, beeper, telephone wire, 3-D glasses, acrylic.
is covered in text concerning sexual politics, this century's history marked by
techno-destruction and a wish we become technologically responsible in the 21st
Century--not only with regard to each other but to nature and the
 "I'm Married to My
 "Spiritual CPR,
I Am Sexually
Recycling You,"
Close-up of a large painting with
text... Part of an extensive series of poetry, painting and fetishistic objects
re: obsession. Obsession is a mutilation of the psyche. It is like biting your
mind instead of your nails... this painting states that there is a simple and
unrevolutionary way to make a better world by being a better
person. |